The Life Medicine Plan

Northwest Life Medicine Team

I’m excited to share something with you that we here at Northwest Life Medicine have been cultivating for quite some time now—the product of your patient feedback to us and the very best resources Northwest Life Medicine has to offer. Introducing the Life Medicine Plan: an annual wellness plan designed to simplify and budget your health with an emphasis on stress resiliency, lifestyle medicine, and prioritizing self-care in our busy world.

The Life Medicine Plan is our very best response to your requests for easier budgeting of  your wellness, guided support for long-term wellness goals, and predictable plans for healthcare follow-up. We’ve been observing how stress and general busy-ness of life can get in the way of self-care and make it hard to truly stay on track with wellness goals. So often, we hear folks feeling guilty or getting down on themselves for falling off the wagon in whatever health goal they’re working on. They wonder, “What’s the point of following up if I haven’t stuck to my plan?” At times, all of us lose faith in ourselves. At times, all of us stray from the promises we made ourselves yesterday, or last month. We're human! 

We get it.    

We really get it, and we’re here to help in every way that we know how—no judgements, no guilt, only the full support of our Northwest Life Medicine team.   

When we noodled on the optimal level of offerings we could give you at an affordable price, we came up with a budget-friendly plan for a year’s worth of care, with some additional perks to boot. Our aim through the Life Medicine Plan is to help get you back on track with your wellness goals, and you can sign up for it as of today!   

One of the new offerings included in the Life Medicine Plan, and available to any patient at Northwest Life Medicine Clinic, is Health Coaching. I’m delighted to introduce our newest team member, Krissy Stuart, registered nurse and certified health coach. She’ll be facilitating your health journey in the Life Medicine Plan, and we just know you’ll love her as much as we do.

Krissy Stuart, Health Coach

Schedule a complimentary discovery call with Krissy to see if Health Coaching is a good fit for you.

Last, but definitely not least, we have a beautiful new website in construction right now! You may notice some changes on our current website in the coming weeks while we get the new page officially up and running so bear with us as we transition.   

Along with our new website reveal, keep your eyes peeled for some additional exciting launches in the near future, I simply cannot wait to introduce you to our signature ELM framework for wellness and our Life Medicine Podcast…stay tuned!  



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